Safeguarding employees from eye injury at the workplace

There's No Substitute for Experience

In various occupations within Tennessee and around the country, employees face eye hazards that could result in serious injuries. Proper training and the use of safety equipment, however, can keep workers, volunteers and bystanders free from eye injuries.

Employers are required to uphold certain safety standards in the workplace. Employees must have access to readily available safety gear such as type-787 protective eyewear. Employers or supervisors should regularly check all eye protection gear, making sure they are wearable and have not been damaged. Employees should not wear any eye protection that slips or fits improperly.

Employers are also responsible to make sure that the work environment is free from various hazards that could lead to eye injuries. They must regularly train workers and any volunteers in the correct use of equipment and tools. Moreover, it is the responsibility of employers to confirm that safety features on tools and machinery, such as machine guards, are in good working order prior to their use.

Daily safety practices can also reduce the possibility of eye injuries. Prior to removing safety wear, employees should thoroughly vacuum or shake debris that has accumulated on their hardhats and eye goggles and then clean safety gear prior to using again. It's also recommended that debris and dust be carefully brushed from the employee's head and hair as debris and dust can easily fall into the worker's eyes, causing injury. First aid products must be available at the worksite to assist any worker who injures his or her eyes.

Employers must enforce safety standards as outlined by OSHA. In the event, however, an unforeseen accident occurs in which one or more employees are injured, workers' compensation benefits are in place to cover their work-related expenses such as medical costs and a portion of their wages that were missed while they were recovering.

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