How to Sabotage Your Personal Injury Claim (What Not To Do)


When you sustain an injury in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence or carelessness, you may have grounds to seek restitution. You should not have to suffer for someone else’s mistake. Filing a personal injury claim allows you to do that. However, when you bring a lawsuit against those you believe to be the responsible party, you need to be careful of your conduct in and outside of the courtroom. Even with the guidance of experienced legal counsel, you can still unknowingly do something that can jeopardize your case. To help you from accidentally sabotaging your personal injury claim, we have put together a list of things you should avoid doing.

Settling Your Own Case

Often, insurance companies and responsible parties want to settle the case outside of court, without engaging legal representation. Do not do this. It is important to hire an attorney who knows the details of a personal injury case and can help you through yours. Similarly, do not settle without knowing the extent of your injuries. Sometimes, physical damage does not manifest in the body until later. If you settle too quickly, you may lose compensation for additional pain.

Sign Documents You Don’t Understand

When you are involved in an accident, you may be too disoriented to pay close attention to documents and forms. It is important you do. Do not sign any document without either showing your attorney or another expert in the field. Without knowing it, you could potentially sign away your right to sue.

Delay Obtaining Medical Treatment

Often, personal injury cases require medical examinations. If your injury was not significant enough to warrant medical attention, it probably will not stand up in court. Alternatively, if you delay seeking medical attention, the judge might believe you are trying to undermine or manipulate the extent of your injuries.

Post Case Details on Social Media

Do not post details about your case on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat. The opposing party might gain access to these posts and use it against you in court.

Give Written or Recorded Interviews

Be wary of who you talk to, especially if they want to record you or have you write your statement. Anything that you share with insurance companies or other people can be used against you. Try to keep the details of your situation between you and your lawyer.

It can be difficult to deal with injuries sustained in an accident that was not your fault. You may have grounds to seek compensation. However, be careful not to accidentally sabotage your case. If you need legal representation in your personal injury case, the experienced attorneys at Kinnard Law can help. Call today to schedule a free consultation!

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